We work hard
Voting for the Leeds Green Party, is a vote for proactive, committed to sustainability and social equity.
Although smaller than the main parties, we in the Leeds Green Party have always been an active and distinctive voice in the city’s government.
We’re local people, who love Leeds. We don’t have a magic wand to make everything right, but we’re committed:
- To listening and working with you, to solve the issues that we’re all facing together
- To building strength and innovation in our communities, and
- To resetting our politics and society towards a healthier, sustainable, and fairer future.

WE can win

With six Green councillors now representing the city, we prove that greens can and do win!
We’re always looking to increase the number of Green councillors in wards all over our communities, standing for real change in our city.
A huge thanks to all those who have already been supporting us: our city-wide vote is now growing fast. We came a solid third in the last set of local elections, on 16.3% (just 4.2% behind the Conservatives): we are the positive alternative to the big two parties.
These results are more than just wins—they show that Greens listen to the community and can deliver real change !
We achieve results

Our candidates and councillors in Leeds exemplify what it means to serve the community actively.
We are at the forefront, addressing everyday concerns—from local safety measures to environmental projects.
Our achievements in areas like community safety, environmental protection, and infrastructure improvements are testaments to our commitment and efficacy in governance.
By voting Green, you support a team that doesn’t just promise but acts and delivers on those promises.