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For a fairer, greener, Leeds 

Harehills, Leeds – 25 July 2024 by Andy Rhodes & Shahab Adris.

In a remarkable display of solidarity, on the 23rd of July, Cllr Mothin Ali brought together over 250 people at St Aidan’s Church to foster unity and peace following the disturbances on the 18th of July.

Reverend Sally Osborn opened the event with an uplifting address on love and respect, followed by Pastor Dan’s call for mutual understanding within the Romani community.

Cllr Ali advocated for a ‘City of Belonging’, extending the idea to the entire country.

Baroness Natalie Bennett praised the community’s resilience and highlighted the need to address inequalities.

Cllr Ed Carlisle introduced a ‘Peacekeeping Force’ initiative.

In a remarkable display of solidarity, Cllr Mothin Ali brought together over 250 people from diverse backgrounds at St Aidan’s Church to foster unity and peace following the disturbances on 18th July. The event opened with an uplifting address by Reverend Sally Osborn of St Aidan’s Parish.

Romanian MP Antonio Andrusceac addressed the crowd, sharing grievances over the removal of children by social services and expressing solidarity with Palestinian families.

His heartfelt speech, emphasising unity, understanding, and respect, resonated with the audience and earned enthusiastic applause.

The event provided an open forum for attendees to share thoughts and concerns, with participation from representatives of local organisations, including West Yorkshire Fire Services, Catch, Junior Sports Hub, Harehills Neighbourhood Forum, and Nanu Sports Foundation. Lutel James from Chapeltown Youth Development Centre highlighted the neglect of communities and called for continuous engagement from authorities and media.

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Leeds City of Belonging
Romanian MP Antonio Andrusceac

Romanian MP Antonio Andrusceac

Baroness Natalie Bennett

Cllr Mothin Ali

Press Release

20 July 2024 – In response to the troubling scenes that unfolded the 18th of July in Harehills, Mothin Ali has issued a heartfelt appeal for unity and calm within the community.

The incident occurred when children from a local family were taken away by social services, leading to unrest and fear among residents. Alongside other local residents, Ali was instrumental in calming the situation in Harehills. Mothin Ali later stated – I want to appeal for unity and calm after last night’s troubling scenes in Harehills, which took place when children from a local family were taken away by social services. As I have reiterated since yesterday, this is our community, and everything that was damaged last night, all the people who were left fearful, the damage done, is all a part of our neighbourhood. It’s up to all of us to take responsibility for one another and for our local infrastructure.”

Read the Press Release or

Download the full Press Release here. #HeroOfHarehills

Leeds News: Cllr Mothin interviewed by Owen Jones

In the video titled “HERO Local Politician Tells Me Truth – w/ Mothin Ali,” journalist Owen Jones conducts a compelling interview with Cllr Mothin Ali for Gipton and Harehills ward.


Leeds News: Cllr Mothin Ali – “The Guardian”

Alongside other local residents, Ali Mothin was instrumental in calming the situation in Harehills. He stopped rioters from adding objects to the blaze, dragged pallets and wheelie bins away from the fire, and remained in the Luxor Road area until late into the night to impress upon the residents the need for calm.


Telegraph News

Footage shared on social media shows Councillor Mothin Ali attempting to stop the violence as the crowd erupts in chaos.


Baroness Natalie Bennett

Discover how we can innovate our way to freedom, prosperity, health, and resilience in Natalie Bennett’s latest book, Change Everything: How We Can Rethink, Repair, and Rebuild Society. Released on March 21, Bennett outlines a transformative roadmap for rethinking societal structures, repairing our communities, and embracing technological and social innovation.

Baroness Natalie Bennet

Congratulations to our four new MPs!

Green Party MPs

The Green Party has made history by winning four seats in the general election. The party took Bristol Central off Labour, two seats in the former Conservative leaning Waveney Valley and North Herefordshire and retained Brighton Pavilion. The party says that the quadrupling of Green MPs is the result of solid and positive campaigning on the ground in all the target constituencies, a campaign supported by hundreds of volunteers who “relentlessly pounded the streets for months and weeks” in the run up to the general election.

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