Real Hope. Real Change.
The Green Party is a fast-growing alternative in British politics. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils across the country.
Leeds has six hard-working Green councillors representing areas across the city. We – together – are working on local issues with you in our communities to improve the lives of all people across Leeds.
Can you help?
We welcome everyone who wishes to play their part for a fairer, greener Leeds. Can you help us? Then be in touch any time, and let’s work together.
Latest News
- Residents demand action: Petition to restore Transdev Number 7 Bus ServiceOn Tuesday, 21st January, Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire, or her office, will receive a petition signed by over 1,600 residents calling for the restoration of the Transdev number 7 bus to a half-hourly service. The petition is still open for signatures. If you haven’t yet added your support, you can do so by signing the petition here:
- Leeds Green Party Stands in Solidarity with Councillor Mothin Ali
The Leeds Green Party stands in solidarity with Councillor Mothin Ali and firmly rejects the misleading implications made in a recent video circulated online.
- Leeds Green Party Condemns Robert Jenrick’s Racist RantLeeds Green Party Press Release Leeds Green Party unequivocally condemns the recent racist attacks by Robert Jenrick, the Conservative shadow minister for justice. He has used the sexual exploitation of young girls to blanket-condemn “hundreds of thousands of people from alien cultures who possess medieval attitudes towards women” – and calling for their deportation. Sexual exploitation… Read more: Leeds Green Party Condemns Robert Jenrick’s Racist Rant
- Why Labour’s Short Honeymoon Is Both Predictable And Not Easily FixedThis article argues that recent Labour electoral losses could have been avoided if Labour had still been a party of communities, with voices from communities heard in government. But it is largely comprised of political careerists who have no roots in any community other than their own, “Which lot are you from then? It’s a good job you’re from the Greens or I would have given you a right mouthful. I would have said that you’ve stuffed the pensioners and now we’re going to stuff you” Said on the doorstep during the Farnley & Wortley by-election, Leeds, October 2024 – won by the Green Party from Labour.
- Parking charges decision referred after call-inWetherby’s lack of a train station, mass transit, and reliable bus connectivity makes proposed parking charges a serious concern. These charges could harm the town’s economy, especially for low-wage retail and hospitality workers, who might face unaffordable costs of £600 per year. This could force many to seek employment elsewhere, impacting both the workforce and local businesses.
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