Welcome to Leeds Green Party

Real Hope. Real Change.

The Green Party is a fast-growing alternative in British politics. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils across the country.

Leeds has six hard-working Green councillors representing areas across the city. We – together – are working on local issues with you in our communities to improve the lives of all people across Leeds.

Can you help?

Leeds Green Party is building momentum. Through doubling our councillors in the last year and achieving two strong 2nd place results in the general election we are in a better position than ever to hold Labour to account in Leeds. However, we can not continue without your help.

Can you donate to us? You can set up a recurring donation, as well as specifying if you have a particular area/ward you’d like the funding to be used for. We’re a people-powered party, powered by you! Many thanks for supporting us.

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