Green Councillor Mothin Ali calls for unity and calm 

Local News

Press Release – Leeds Green Party, 20th of July 2024.

Green Councillor Mothin Ali calls for unity and calm 

In response to the troubling scenes that unfolded the 18th of July in Harehills, Mothin Ali has issued a heartfelt appeal for unity and calm within the community. The incident occurred when children from a local family were taken away by social services, leading to unrest and fear among residents.

Alongside other local residents, Ali was instrumental in calming the situation in Harehills. He stopped rioters from adding objects to the blaze, dragged pallets and wheelie bins away from the fire, and remained in the Luxor Road area until late into the night to impress upon the residents the need for calm.

Mothin Ali later stated – I want to appeal for unity and calm after last night’s troubling scenes in Harehills, which took place when children from a local family were taken away by social services. As I have reiterated since yesterday, this is our community, and everything that was damaged last night, all the people who were left fearful, the damage done, is all a part of our neighbourhood. It’s up to all of us to take responsibility for one another and for our local infrastructure.”

Ali expressed gratitude towards all those who contributed to restoring peace, saying – I want to thank everyone who worked well into the early hours of the morning to bring peace and calm to the situation. From the local businesspeople to my fellow councillors and community leaders, to the public service workers and everyone else who stepped in. It’s thanks to all their efforts that no one was seriously hurt –

He acknowledged the underlying issues contributing to the unrest, noting – The scenes from last night were not a reflection of our collective community, but we must recognise the tension that has been bubbling here for some time is the consequence of rising inequalities, poverty, and discrimination. Therefore, we must come together, including the authorities and the local community, to address these foundational issues in a constructive way. We will continue to build a brighter future for Harehills and make sure we never see scenes like last night again. –

Ali emphasised the importance of unity in addressing the challenges faced by the community, adding:

This is a working-class area, with people living side by side belonging to many different cultures, struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, lack of resources, crime, and health. We cannot give in to polarisation and must instead unify to work towards a better and prosperous future for us all. Let’s make last night a moment for change, rather than one that further divides us –

The Leeds Green Party condemns all forms of violence while supporting its Green Councillor, Mothin Ali, and the local authorities in their efforts to bring the community together.

For more information contact: – #HeroOfHarehills

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