Press Review: Harehills Unrest – July 2024

The Harehills unrest of July 2024 has become a major topic in national news and across online platforms, drawing significant attention due to the intensity of the events and the community’s reaction.
Central to the coverage is Green Party Councillor Mothin Ali, whose actions during the turmoil have received widespread praise. Representing the Gipton and Harehills ward, Ali played a key role in de-escalating the violence, notably by forming a human shield to protect police officers and urging residents to remain calm.

This press review includes interviews from BBC News, Owen Jones, and The Guardian.

Leeds News: Cllr Mothin interviewed by Owen Jones

In the video titled “HERO Local Politician Tells Me Truth – w/ Mothin Ali,” journalist Owen Jones conducts a compelling interview with Cllr Mothin Ali for Gipton and Harehills ward.


Leeds News: Cllr Mothin Ali – “The Guardian”

Alongside other local residents, Ali Mothin was instrumental in calming the situation in Harehills. He stopped rioters from adding objects to the blaze, dragged pallets and wheelie bins away from the fire, and remained in the Luxor Road area until late into the night to impress upon the residents the need for calm.


Telegraph News

Footage shared on social media shows Councillor Mothin Ali attempting to stop the violence as the crowd erupts in chaos.


The Guardian: “We’re in it together”

‘We’re in it together’: how unrest in Leeds escalated – and was defused

Night that began with flipped car, fires and police in retreat ended with residents bringing water in wheelie bins to douse flames

Night that began with flipped car, fires and police in retreat ended with residents bringing water in wheelie bins to douse flames.

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The Guardian view on unrest in Leeds

Following serious disorder, Nigel Farage’s cynical response was an attempt to import Trump-style discord into our cities.

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#HeroOfHarehills #TheGuardian

BBC News: We were human shields for police – councillor

Green Party councillor Mothin Ali, who attended the scene on Thursday night and attempted to calm the situation, has been speaking to BBC Look North in Harehills.

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The London economics: “Hero of Harehills”

The Green Party MP who formed a human shield to prevent violent scenes from escalating in Leeds is being dubbed the “Hero of Harehills” by people on social media.

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