Councillor Ed Carlisle

Councillor Ed Carlisle

Meet Councillor Ed

Ed Carlisle represents the Hunslet and Riverside Ward with a robust commitment to community and environmental sustainability.
He has lived in south/central Leeds for over 20 years and has a deep love for these communities and the city. Throughout this time, he has been heavily involved in community action, helping to establish and lead numerous projects and events, such as the Leeds Repair Café, Holbeck Viaduct, the Space youth programme, Beeston Festival, the Big Bike Fix, and Cross Flatts parkrun, among many others.

He has also served on the board of trustees/directors for several local organizations, including SLATE, LS-TEN, Faith Together in LS11, and South Leeds Life.

Ed has played a key role in catalysing community associations like Beeston Hill Community Association, Friends of the Aire, and Friends of Hunslet Moor. With over 20 years of litter-picking experience, he has also contributed to a wide range of projects, including the Hunslet Gala and Holbeck Gala.
Ed maintains strong connections across the diverse communities in the area.

Ed’s commitment to Ward Hunslet and Riverside

Ed first stood in the local elections for the Green Party in 2015 and is very grateful to everyone who has supported the year-round campaigning over the years. With persistence, the team gradually increased their votes and finally won a Council seat in 2022. Ed finds it a privilege to serve the community on Leeds City Council and hopes to see many more Green representatives in the future.

People are attracted to long-term commitment and tenacity. Doing so – in any community – is I believe an act of love.

Ed Carlisle

Ed has been actively involved in several communities, including:

  • Hunslet Moor Compost Collective: He supported the setup of a ‘Compost Collective’ at Hunslet Moor, aimed at promoting composting and sustainable waste management within the community,
  • Involvement in Local Co-ops and Community Campaigns: He has work along local cooperatives and various community-based campaigns throughout Leeds, specifically focusing on areas like community building and environmental sustainability.
  • Climate Emergency Advisory Committee: As a member of this committee, he played a crucial role in shaping the council’s response to climate emergencies.
  • Inner South Community Committee: Being part of this committee allowed him to directly influence local governance and community-related decisions in the Inner South areas of Leeds, including my ward.
  • Licensing Committee: He has also contributed to decisions on licensing, which have impacted local businesses and community events.

Contact information

Ed maintains an open line of communication with his constituents through regular surgery sessions, providing a forum to discuss concerns and community issues.

Email: 0113 3788266

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